De Terugreis
Jelle de Jonge
An old, grumpy man drives his demented wife to Spain, to pay a last visit to a dying friend. In an old car, with old road maps, the bickering couple rumbles through a totally changed Europe. Slowly he thaws out, and learns what it means to love again.
- Writers: Marijn de Wit
- Directors: Jelle de Jonge
- DoP: Joris Kerbosch
- Editor: Jurriaan van Nimwegen
- Producer: Hazazah (NL)
- Coproducer: Menuetto (BE)
- Cast: Leny Breederveld, Martin van Waardenberg
- Length: ca 90'
- Language: Dutch
- Shooting locations: The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain
- Shooting period: spring 2022
- Release: planned 2023