Tim Mielants
1942. Will and Lode, two young policemen in the occupied city of Antwerp, are forced to take part in the manhunt for Jews. At the same time, they support the resistance. And in the midst of all the chaos and violence, love blossoms: Will falls head over heels for the charms of Lode's sister Yvette. A contradictory cocktail of emotions brings him to the brink. For how do you simultaneously save yourself, your loved ones and the Jews from the clutches of the occupier?
Based on the bestselling novel by Jeroen Olyslaegers.
- Writer: Carl Joos
- Director: Tim Mielants
- Producers: Hans Everaert, Guy Goedgezelschap, Tomas Leyers, Jan Segers
- Production companies: Lecter Scripted Media / Menuetto / Minds Meet
- Coproducers: Les Films du Fleuve (BE), Topkapi Films (NL), K&K Selekt (PO)
- Cast: Stef Aerts, Matteo Simoni, Annelore Crollet, Jan Bijvoet, Kevin Janssens, Dirk Roofthooft, Dimitrij Schaad, Pierre Bokma
- Length: 107'
- Language: Dutch
- Shooting locations: Belgium, Poland
- Shooting period: May - July 2022
- Release: Sept 2023