Schermafbeelding 2024 06 18 om 18 12 48


Jan Beddegenoodts

documentary finished


One year after Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine, we get into the car with Gamlet, Ukraine's most famous street artist. When the Russians invaded Ukraine with a column of tanks, Gamlet received the order from his commander to keep painting. Humor is his most powerful weapon. Together with his best friend Nastia, we drive through a country at war, meeting the soldiers and artists who inspire him. They all try to maintain their lives in an impossible situation. "Broken but not destroyed.”


  • Writer: Jan Beddegenoodts
  • Director: Jan Beddegenoodts
  • DoP: Jan Beddegenoodts
  • Editor: Jan Beddegenoodts
  • Color & Sound correction: Thijs Paijmans
  • Graphics, Title Design & Poster: Benjamin Ikoma
  • Producers: Hans Everaert
  • Production company: Menuetto
  • Coproducer: Cameltown
  • Cast: Gamlet


  • Length: 41'
  • Language: Ukrainian, English
  • Shooting locations: Ukraine
  • Shooting period: 2023
  • Release: 2024
Schermafbeelding 2024 06 18 om 18 12 48